it's been over a week since the horrible earthquake in haiti. i cannot imagine the loss and destruction there. my heart breaks when i see a child amidst the rubble of the city. children missing parents, parents losing children.
when i first heard the news, the first thing i did was hug and kiss my children.
the second thing i did was donate to knitters without borders. stephanie pearl-mcphee organized this during the tsunami disaster in '04. all money goes to the organization doctors without borders. TSF/KWB has raised nearly a million dollars over the past 5 years.
another excellent source for disaster relief is lutheran world relief. LWR are often the first ones to step into a disaster zone, and remain there well after the rest of the world moves on. i plan on donating money to LWR as well.
it doesn't take much to help. instead of buying a coffee at starbucks, or that hank of yarn you've been eyeing, donate that money to one of these or the many other charities who are providing relief to haiti.
we have been so blessed. tonight we don't have to worry about our home, or being looted, or wondering when we'll get a drink of water or food to eat.
but i can send money that hopefully will be used to build a hospital, or buy medication, or get clean food and water. and i pray for those in haiti, working to find survivors, patching up those who hurt, and comforting those who lost a loved one.
when i first heard the news, the first thing i did was hug and kiss my children.
the second thing i did was donate to knitters without borders. stephanie pearl-mcphee organized this during the tsunami disaster in '04. all money goes to the organization doctors without borders. TSF/KWB has raised nearly a million dollars over the past 5 years.
another excellent source for disaster relief is lutheran world relief. LWR are often the first ones to step into a disaster zone, and remain there well after the rest of the world moves on. i plan on donating money to LWR as well.
it doesn't take much to help. instead of buying a coffee at starbucks, or that hank of yarn you've been eyeing, donate that money to one of these or the many other charities who are providing relief to haiti.
we have been so blessed. tonight we don't have to worry about our home, or being looted, or wondering when we'll get a drink of water or food to eat.
but i can send money that hopefully will be used to build a hospital, or buy medication, or get clean food and water. and i pray for those in haiti, working to find survivors, patching up those who hurt, and comforting those who lost a loved one.
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