linky do's!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy ravelersary!!

happy ravelersary to me!

i joined ravelry 2 years ago.  i thought i was so lucky to get an invite to this "exclusive" website (since there was a waiting list and it was in beta).  i couldn't wait to put up my projects and keep track of my yarns.  i belonged to a couple of groups (if memory serves, i joined sock, knitty gritty, yarn harlot and mason dixon groups).

today i belong to 88 groups.  i'm active in only a handful of groups.  mostly parenting groups and favorite television shows.  my interests range from socks to dishclothes, mobius knitting to entrelac.  the most recent group i joined was a group of knitters named julia or all variations of the name.

ravelry provides support on so many different levels.  when i made the mason dixon baby kimono, i had a group where i could ask a question about the length of the front of the sweater.  when i made my first sock monkey, i had a forum where i could show off my FO.  when i lost my beloved ani last summer, i found a forum where i could cry, scream, and spazz and no one blinked or said i was crazy.  when my MIL was diagnosed with breast cancer, the first thing i did was join the breast cancer forum, becos i knew that if i had questions, i'd rather get my answer from a knitter who was going through the same experience.

i have met so many people on ravelry.  it's so neat knowing that there are others out there who are as passionate about knitting/crocheting as i am.  it's great to be in a place where no one will judge me or call me weird or old fashioned becos i knit.  i've friended people as close as the next town over, and people who live across the country.  in HAPL, members knit or crocheted squares for a member and her child, both of whom are going through a hard medical experience.  those squares came from all 4 corners of the globe, from asia, australia, canada and the US.  how wonderful that people whose only connection is an internet community, working together to bring comfort to an acquaintance.

my free time, which i used to devote to knitting, has been seriously limited since the birth of monkey ears and the pixie.  i do snatch moments from time to time, and i have completed some projects.  i knit simply.  i don't plan on knitting intricate lace or tricky patterns any time soon.

ravelry is my social network.  i don't twitter.  i don't do facebook or myspace.  i guard my privacy (how funny is that, considering i'm blogging this).  besides, i spend too much time there anyway.  i have no time for other social networks.

thank you, jess, casey, and all ravelry pioneers.  thank you for being a place for me to knit, to share, and to befriend.

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