i finished my fake moebius scarf. the yarn was so yucky, plus i have other projects to work on, that i just wanted it done.
why did i call this a fauxbius scarf? i bought this yarn becos the color called to me - i'm sorry, but i'm a sucker for coral now - and thought that coral and navy would make a kick ass scarf to wear with my acid green fleece cape. then i thought, why not make a cool moebius scarf? so i trolled ravelry for a cool moebius scarf. i found many beautiful scarves and i picked this pattern becos i thought a dropped stitch would be a neat touch. i also called this a cheater's moebius, since you knit it up like a regular scarf, give the scarf a half twist (making the moebius) then stitch the ends together. i am a true knit diva, as i'm so used to using cat bordhi's moebius cast on. the pattern called for the kitchener's stitch, but that made a stockinette edge, and the scarf was in garter. i did a 3 needle bind off. it made the edge a bit thick, but at least it blended in with the rest of the scarf. the scarf was really thick and wide enough to wear as a hood as well. too bad i didn't take a picture of me wearing it like a hood. maybe next time!

why did i call this a fauxbius scarf? i bought this yarn becos the color called to me - i'm sorry, but i'm a sucker for coral now - and thought that coral and navy would make a kick ass scarf to wear with my acid green fleece cape. then i thought, why not make a cool moebius scarf? so i trolled ravelry for a cool moebius scarf. i found many beautiful scarves and i picked this pattern becos i thought a dropped stitch would be a neat touch. i also called this a cheater's moebius, since you knit it up like a regular scarf, give the scarf a half twist (making the moebius) then stitch the ends together. i am a true knit diva, as i'm so used to using cat bordhi's moebius cast on. the pattern called for the kitchener's stitch, but that made a stockinette edge, and the scarf was in garter. i did a 3 needle bind off. it made the edge a bit thick, but at least it blended in with the rest of the scarf. the scarf was really thick and wide enough to wear as a hood as well. too bad i didn't take a picture of me wearing it like a hood. maybe next time!
here's the scarf, hopefully showing off the stitch definition:
these are the flowers for the tree skirt. i have 7 more green petals to knit, then i add the button centers and sew the flowers to the skirt.
the mcknitsters have finally moved into the 21st century! on saturday we bought a wide screen HDTV.
we bought our old tv at ames, 7 or 8 years ago, when the store went out of business. it was a changhong that we got on sale. my tv had died and we were using hubby's tv, which was several years old (he got it when he went to college, so that was back in '91, so you do the math), not to mention it was a tiny tv.
over the past couple of years, networks changed their viewing format and switched to widescreen format. do you know what it's like to watch a widescreen show or movie on a box tv? everything on the edges gets cut off. credits, picture. annoying as heck.
we kept putting the purchase off, becos we really didn't have the money, nor the space for a flat screen tv. but then we got a wii for the boy, and realized that we can't really play wii with the old tv.
so on saturday we went to white trash central walmart and bought a 32 inch vizio. we got a pretty good deal. not as good as the black friday deals, but i'd rather pay a few extra bucks than get up super early and get run over by the crowds.
watching shows and movies is comparable to getting a new pair of glasses after you've outgrown your old prescription. we watched a football game, and the game looked like 3D. and yesterday on GMA they showed pictures of australia, and it was as tho we were right there. so crisp and clean. also, it's so nice to use the DVD player without turning the tv off.
now we want to find a dvd/vcr combo. we also unhooked the vcr (which was mine, and it predates me and hubby). i'd like to eliminate the dvd player too (hence finding a combo). add a dvr, and we have a lot of electronic paraphernalia. we did find combos, but the reviews were bad. and i guess they don't make any blue ray combos. oh well.
today i start work on the grandparents' xmas calendar. every year i make a calendar through iphoto with the boy's pictures and give them to grandparents for christmas. this year i get to really gussy it up with baby pics!
how amazing that although they're fraternal twins, in some instances they look nearly identical. the beauty of genetics!
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