linky do's!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

harlot kool-aid

as a knitster who worships at the alter of the harlot, i have succumbed to many projects that she has knitted.  last year it was the noro striped scarf.  then it was swirl shawl, whose pattern sits next to me like a tease since i can't cast on becos the yarn is wrapped up for me to unwrap on xmas day.  but i drank the kool-aid again and hit the big time with this pattern.  i rarely buy patterns on ravelry, but i had to have this one.

these slippers knit up so quickly.  it took me 2 evenings (and many kidlet interruptions) to knit up the pieces, sew them up and maybe an hour to felt them up in the washing machine.

pre-felted.  they're pretty big and floppy!

(the boy) in her shoes.

 drying on the radiator.

after they dry, i'll sew the straps on, then needle felt a design on the straps.  the pattern calls for a large button, but i have no way to get to the store, and i don't have any large buttons at home.  it'll look cute with a needle felt design.

and here's a blast from the past!

remember my irish tammy from last winter?  it languished down cellar for nearly a year, becos i had no gumption to felt it while i was pregnant and had no time after the kiddos arrived.  i figured, i was knitting the slippers, throw the hat in too.  i think the extra agitation from the slippers, some tennis balls and a pair of jeans helped it along.

it has a long ways to dry.  it was pretty wet last night, and i don't have a great source to dry it.  i'll try to get better pictures.

i have 2 more cowls to knit.  and i'm reading "u is for undertow" and am nearly finished.  i love sue grafton's novels.  i really enjoy reading mysteries.  i'm glad i got over my reading aversion that i developed when i was pregnant.

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