just did an hour of wii. played tennis (played 8 games, won no sets, backhand sucks). boxed 3 rounds and KOd the opponent each time. :) did yoga (half moon, warrior, 2 bridges). fitness age dropped from 70 (!) to 34 (!). i am tired, but i feel good. arms hurt. read the game brochure which warned against repetitive injuries. no wonder my shoulders hurt!
last night the babies had a "normal" night. last feeding at 8, ME ate around 5:30 am, the pixie ate at 8:30 (!). maybe it was a growth spurt, or maybe it was the weird week disrupting them. i hope they go back to normal. them waking up twice in the night is exhausting.
did i mention we gots new furniture? a la-z-boy sofa and love seat (adler models). now we have 6 seats instead of 5. the room feels weird becos the seats are so oversized (to work in bigger family and great rooms, no doubt). the furniture smells horrible and i can feel cancer cells developing in me and my kiddos as we speak, but hubby read that burning candles can help "burn off" the formaldehyde odor, so we are burning my new beeswax candles. the room smells like honey.
the boy goes back to school tomorrow. hubby is back to work as usual. and i get to put the house back in order after the holiday shake-up with the rooms. the living and dining rooms are pretty much back to normal. i'm slowly chipping away at the crap on the dining room table. the next room i tackle will be the computer room and get my stash back in order. stash grows, yet i knit less.
i started knitting a baby sock monkey for a HAPL care package - the mom receiving the package is having a difficult pregnancy, carrying a child with a potentially fatal physical defect. i, ever the optimist, am praying that the MRIs and scans are wrong and the little guy is actually healthy and fine. at any rate, i'm making a monkey for him, becos every little kid needs a sock monkey. and the sad thing is, should he not survive, he'll have a friend with him as he passes on to the next world. no little one should be alone during that journey. and i'm making the mom stitch markers.
i love making stitch markers. i don't make normal sets. i make markers to fit my moods. i get my beads at ellacinders. i've gotten really cool beads there - my favorite stitch markers i've made from their goodies are my skull marker, my rainbow bead marker, my silver celtic knot marker and my pyrite marker. i also made my own sock and right/wrong side markers (sorry cat bordhi) and initial markers. i toy with selling my markers on etsy, but i'd have to make multiple markers sets.
last night the babies had a "normal" night. last feeding at 8, ME ate around 5:30 am, the pixie ate at 8:30 (!). maybe it was a growth spurt, or maybe it was the weird week disrupting them. i hope they go back to normal. them waking up twice in the night is exhausting.
did i mention we gots new furniture? a la-z-boy sofa and love seat (adler models). now we have 6 seats instead of 5. the room feels weird becos the seats are so oversized (to work in bigger family and great rooms, no doubt). the furniture smells horrible and i can feel cancer cells developing in me and my kiddos as we speak, but hubby read that burning candles can help "burn off" the formaldehyde odor, so we are burning my new beeswax candles. the room smells like honey.
the boy goes back to school tomorrow. hubby is back to work as usual. and i get to put the house back in order after the holiday shake-up with the rooms. the living and dining rooms are pretty much back to normal. i'm slowly chipping away at the crap on the dining room table. the next room i tackle will be the computer room and get my stash back in order. stash grows, yet i knit less.
i started knitting a baby sock monkey for a HAPL care package - the mom receiving the package is having a difficult pregnancy, carrying a child with a potentially fatal physical defect. i, ever the optimist, am praying that the MRIs and scans are wrong and the little guy is actually healthy and fine. at any rate, i'm making a monkey for him, becos every little kid needs a sock monkey. and the sad thing is, should he not survive, he'll have a friend with him as he passes on to the next world. no little one should be alone during that journey. and i'm making the mom stitch markers.
i love making stitch markers. i don't make normal sets. i make markers to fit my moods. i get my beads at ellacinders. i've gotten really cool beads there - my favorite stitch markers i've made from their goodies are my skull marker, my rainbow bead marker, my silver celtic knot marker and my pyrite marker. i also made my own sock and right/wrong side markers (sorry cat bordhi) and initial markers. i toy with selling my markers on etsy, but i'd have to make multiple markers sets.
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