linky do's!

Friday, January 1, 2010

welcome 2010

this is the first year that we didn't cook new year's lunch for the family.  for one thing, there is nowhere for anyone to sit.  we lost a lot of seating in the dining room with all the baby paraphernalia.  next year we'll hopefully go back to normal.

hubby is playing mario brothers on the wii with the boy, after a long awaited gaming session. poor hubby was slammed at work this week and spent a lot of evenings cleaning up the mess.

a lot of people were glad to see '09 go.  i guess i'm mixed in that opinion.  for the most part, the year was good to me.  we were blessed with monkey ears and the pixie.  however, there was a lot of illness in our family - dad's heart attack in the spring, MIL's breast cancer, grams and SIL breaking their arms, not to mention the 8 months of prenatal anxiety and discomfort i endured.

if anything, it was the decade that sucked poo.  starting with 2001 - 3 jobs for me, not to mention 9/11.  2005 was the summer year from hell.  i honestly thought the world was ending that year.  and '08 with the loss of ani.  

my ani's angelversary is today.  she was due on new year's day last year.  i feel like i should miss her more, but with the kiddos, the pain of her loss lessens.  still, new year's day will never be the same for me.  and like mac before her, i wonder what she would have been like.

i don't make resolutions.  at least not cut in stone ones.  i always have the same ones - get healthy, be a better person, yada yada yada.  it's no different this year.  eat better, exercise more, challenge my knitting, be a kinder, gentler person.  be a better mom and wife and daughter.  the things we should all as human beings be doing.

pixie's sock monkey now has a body!  i have to make 2 arms, a tail, and mouth and ears.  maybe i'll get it finished this weekend.

i frogged the swirl shawl and the petal tam.  i want my shorty DPNs for the shawl.  i am using 7 inchers and i absolutely loathe them.  and i want to make a trip up to libby's to see if i can find a size 2 16" circular for the tam.  i am also in the mood for stitch markers, so a trip to ella cinders is on tap as well.  oh and i frogged gram's socks for the umpteenth time.  i think i'm going to knit them with the basic YH sock recipe.  no fancy stuff.

oh, and i'm making a small dent in the mass of magazines magazine pile i culled from the downstairs magazine basket.  that's not even counting the pile of reads upstairs.  i'm hoping to skim at least a magazine a day...maybe those piles will actually shrink?

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