for a while now i have been feeling at loose ends. i chalk it up to caring for two inquisitive 9 months olds and a 6 and a half year old. i'm coming out of a long sick season, dealing with colds and bronchitis and pneumonia (with the boy). carrying twins walloped my system, and i figured if it takes twice as long to heal from pregnancy, that it must take twice that to heal from twins. i don't have a lot of time to myself anymore.
some comments the acupuncturist said to me last week gave me pause. he reminded me to take care of me. he suggested i do my yoga on a regular basis. he suggested i break a sweat to help with detox. he reminded me to take time for me - not just take a break with a cuppa, but an actual break, with massage, yoga, stretching, breathing. my system is out of whack, so to speak, but i can heal myself. but i have to make changes first.
i've heard this lots of times from friends and family and doctors. take time for me. when am i to take time for me when i have to plan for it? plan for someone to take care of the kiddos; schedule a massage or treatment; sign up for yoga. these things take money and time. both are in short order for me. then i thought of things i could do for me that don't cost anything.
a long time ago i used to do skin brushing. skin brushing is when you brush your skin with a natural brush, with long strokes going towards your heart. you're supposed to brush your skin for 5 minutes, a couple times a day. supposedly this helps your system detox. skin is one of the largest organs in the body. i started doing this the day of my acupuncture, and got the same tingly feeling. i also soaked in bath salts, and felt good too. now if only i can keep this up...
then i took a look at my time. i thought of things i like to do. i love to knit. i love to read. i love to make stitch markers. i love to glitter and glue. i love to swim. i love to take walks and listen to music. i love to do yoga. some days i like to sit and just be.
then i looked at what i can do to make those things happen.
i spend a lot of time suckage on ravelry and facebook. facebook doesn't take a lot of time. i can take it or leave it. but i hover on ravelry, and i really don't need to. then i looked at the groups i belong to on ravelry. i purged groups a few months back, and wondered where i could cut back again. which groups fed me, and which ones were sheer time suckage. there aren't many groups i'm really active in. the main one was HAPL.
i have been thinking about this group all week, ever since last week's incident. a lot of people left the group this week. i wondered why. was it becos of the incident? did they feel ready to move on? it made me wonder if i should stay in the group too.
for one thing, my miscarriage was nearly 2 years ago. i had the twins since then. my losses hurt, but really, i need to move on. i cannot keep dwelling on my losses. they sucked and they are bittersweet, and they will always be a part of me. but i am in a different place than i was 2 years ago...nearly a year and a half ago...even 9 months ago. but i have 3 children to take care of and love, and by dwelling on ani and mac i am doing a disservice to their memory. and it's not fair to the kiddos.
my mc is no longer fresh in my memory. there is little that i can offer to a new woman experiencing loss. i'm sure they look at my profile and wonder why i am there. how much of a help am i to someone who has multiple losses or infertility when obviously i haven't had a lot of trouble in that department?
when i left the group earlier this year, i still followed the moms thread and the pregnant again thread, as there were girls whose pregnancies i followed. i still care, but not entirely much anymore. why should i stay in a group that i just don't care about anymore? am i afraid of hurting someone's feelings? am i afraid i won't be able to find someone else as supportive? i shouldn't be afraid. i don't know these people IRL. why should i care what they think? and i do belong to other mom groups - maybe it's time i get to know those moms there.
i think i'm going to take a break from HAPL and ravelry. maybe by freeing up time from that, i can spend time doing things that really do nurture my soul. i have so many things i want to knit. i can work on my stitch markers. i can do yoga.
i like the buzzy feeling i got after my acupuncture treatment. and i can get that again. but i have to let go of things that certainly aren't helping me relax or heal. i will not get entirely well if i continue to let my past linger instead of letting it go. it's time to make some changes.
i like the buzzy feeling i got after my acupuncture treatment. and i can get that again. but i have to let go of things that certainly aren't helping me relax or heal. i will not get entirely well if i continue to let my past linger instead of letting it go. it's time to make some changes.
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