linky do's!

who i am

i'm the world’s Okayist mom™ to freddie beans, petunia and the boy.  they're the "twins and the big kid" in my title. except now they’re the teen twins and Man-child™.

i'm a wife (to hubby, my soul mate, squirrel catcher and the best dad in the world!)

after 17 years as a SAHM, I went back to work as a secretary for my county’s mental health and drug and alcohol units. 

i'm a knitter - socks, dishcloths, shawls. guess what? i finally finished that damn ubatuba sweater!

i like to craft. i occasionally putter around with a crochet hook. i learned how to sew! i also dabble with embroidery and cross-stitch. 

i love to read - books, magazines, blogs.  come to my house, you'll find piles of them.  so much to read, no time at all.

i'm a foodie - i like to cook, sometimes bake, love to try new restaurants. food is an adventure!

i like to travel - just don't have the time or money to do it!

i'm a snark.  sarcasm is my love language.

i'm a PK (a preacher's kid. i married one too). my journey in faith is a constant WIP!

i love to write.  this blog is my outlet for that.  it's cyber scrapbook of sorts.

 i’m anal retentive, but having kids taught me to lower my expectations.

thank you for visiting my tiny corner of the universe.  enjoy!