linky do's!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

2 FOs plus many starts

mommy's been especially knitty this week.

this is "sophie", a beautiful poncho that vickie howell designed for the knitter from the original crochet version of "clo".  hers calls for caron yarn, but i used cascade yarns baby alpaca chunky that i received in the recent HAPL swap.  the yarn rocks, albeit it's a bit sneezy.  i knit the 12-24 month size, and the bottom edge is a bit short becos i almost ran out of yarn.  i made bright red pompoms and attached them to poncho, cos i thought "bright red cherries" would just pop against the green yarn.  the poncho is really big on petunia - for 10 months, she is a tiny girl!  i have a feeling she won't be wearing this poncho until she's 2!  the pattern knits up beautifully and really quickly.  if you need a quickie giftie for a little girl, this is the project for you!

i called these socks "the fugly tie-dyed bahama overalls socks".  the yarn harlot's basic sock recipe, i used cascade yarns cherub collection kaleidoscope yarn in a bright varigated colorway.  i think the yarn is really for baby or toddler garments but it's a DK weight and i thought it would make rocking socks.

why are they fugly tie-dyed bahama overalls socks?  becos 20 years ago i went to the bahamas with my high school honor society.  i bought a pair of oversized brightly colored tie-dyed overalls at the street market.  they were the most unflattering pair of overalls - mom called them my tie-dyed diaper.  i wore those suckers for years - in recent years while gardening - they are still down cellar.  but they were comfy, and they reminded me of the good times i had with my friends on that trip.  so the socks are the same fugly bright color as the overalls.  and they are as comfy as the overalls as well!

i have a lot of irons (needles) in the fire.  i started a pair of "blu", little knit denim pants for petunia and freddie.  if i'm lucky and i complete them this summer, and they look good, i might enter them in the bloom fair.  i started a new pair socks for grams.  i owe her about 2 pairs from the past 2 xmases.  i frogged and re-cast on a chemo cap for a lady at knit night - her daughter teaches at a daycare, and a little girl has cancer and is receiving chemo.  today i stopped at glenda's knit knook and picked up yarn for another clapotis, and cute cotton yarn to make little caps for petunia and freddie.  where i expect to find all this time to knit, i do not know!!

okay, i consider myself a yarn snob and a knitting snob, but i do believe i have met my match.

i was waiting for my 2 skeins to be wound.  there was a table full of ladies knitting and i spied a KDO booklet.  so i ask, "whose going to KDO?"

and a lady says (rather clipped), "well, all of us."

the owner says, "i'm going to see barbara walker."

i comment that yes, that's who i signed up to see too, and we chatted about that when she made comment about going  for once.  i asked her if it was her first KDO and she says (my paraphrase), "no, i haven't gone for a few years becos i have my shop open, but i decided i'd close it that day to see barbara".  o-kay!?

the vibe of that shop feels so much different than my own knit group, or even the other LYS i frequent.  i told hubby, "they made me feel like i was a complete nOOb, like the only yarn i knit with is red heart!  and talking about ravelry and KDO made me sound like a poser!"  it was a bizarre feeling.  maybe it's becos i don't frequent the shop as much as the LYS close to my home.  perhaps it's becos they don't know me.  the scene made me feel very uneasy.  the sad thing is, if i really WAS a nOOb, would i want to come back?  obviously as a seasoned knitter i will be back, because there is gorgeous yarn in that shop that i can't get anywhere else.  but it knocked me down a peg, and reminded me to keep my knit and yarn attitude in check.

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