hubby and i spent the past weekend in jim thorpe - we saw our favorite band enter the haggis at the mauch chunk opera house. we saw them there 2 years ago and the show rocked so we got tickets to see them again.
after dropping the kids off at my folks' house we had lunch at a&w on the turnpike (where i had a phallic looking piece of long john silvers chicken) then checked into our hotel and rested a while until driving into town.
a boat launch entrance was near our parking spot, so we walked down to the river. never saw it up close and personal, and the lehigh river is beautiful. upriver is the gorge and people white water raft and kayak downstream. i would love to try this sometime except with my luck i would drown.
after dropping the kids off at my folks' house we had lunch at a&w on the turnpike (where i had a phallic looking piece of long john silvers chicken) then checked into our hotel and rested a while until driving into town.
a boat launch entrance was near our parking spot, so we walked down to the river. never saw it up close and personal, and the lehigh river is beautiful. upriver is the gorge and people white water raft and kayak downstream. i would love to try this sometime except with my luck i would drown.

haggis heads!

blatant knitting shot!

we walked around town and visited our favorite shops. i got a pink salt candle holder (for salt ion therapy) and more black salt at the wicca shop, some vintage valentines at a toy store and more saint medallions at the irish shop (just when i think i have all the saints, i find a saint for protecting me from yet another thing wrong with me). walked into a yarn shop and...walked right out. she sold mostly aran yarn (not a bad thing) but there were a bunch of ladies in the shop and it was hard to look around, so i left without buying a thing. (my yarn binge from a few weeks ago was also weighing heavy on me). the town library was having a book sale - they were selling old knitting magazines.

the book sale was in an old home that was so neat - pocket doors, high kitchen cabinets, old wooden floors. another vintage shop had a beautiful staircase. there are many beautiful old homes and buildings in town and we love walking around and picking ones we'd love to live in. home prices are $$$ in old town and we're not wealthy so it's safe to say we won't be moving there anytime soon. we also walked into this church - we heard organ music - and found they were having a service (wedding, funeral, church - no idea which). the church also has a neat old fashioned elevator (the sanctuary is a long ways up) and i would have loved to have a ride in it. at 4:30 the church's chimes rang and they were LOUD!
we ate at molly maguires pub (hubby had fish and chips, i had a salad becos i wasn't very hungry) then took a nap in the car (the day was pretty warm and i think i was dehydrated becos i didn't feel well).
we then made our way to the opera house and waited around with other concert goers. it's always fun to see other fans - they dress in homemade ETH shirts and costumes. some have traveled with the band on overseas tours. we found our seats inside and discovered that we were actually a few rows further back than where we sat last time - the management removed the first couple rows of seats to make a mosh pit. we bought some snacks and drinks and i knitted on a cowl while we waited for the show to start.
eth from where we were sitting...

up close in the pit...

the guys played two 45 minute sets plus an encore, with music from their new album plus old favorites. brian (the fiddle/keyboard player) didn't have throat illness this time so he sang lots of songs. i could watch them perform every day if given the chance, they are so awesome.
the next morning we drove up flagstaff mountain for a view overlooking jim thorpe:

we wiggled our way back to my folks' to get the kids, but not before stopping at sonic. we had a great weekend and can't wait to go back!
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