{this moment} - a friday ritual. a single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special, extraordinary moment. a moment i want to pause, savor and remember. this feature is inspired by soulemama.
if you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your "moment" in the comments for all to find and see.
this is an old post. i'm cleaning out my drafts folder. enjoy!
earlier this summer we purchased a new mattress for the kiddos. they outgrew their cribs and we wanted to get a new bed for them before they turn three. we waited until things settled down with my parents' move and all the changes that happened this year.
our bedrooms were built in a way that makes designing a bedroom a challenge. at the time when we bought our house, we were planning on a family of (maybe) 4, not 5! our house is very old, nearly 100 years old, and the location (and height) of windows, heaters and floor plans is annoying. the nursery has three windows and a built in bookshelf unit. it was easy to arrange a room around one crib and one full sized bed. when we added the second crib, arranging the furniture became more complicated (sarcasm noted).
at some point we want to get the boys bunk beds but right now we think freddie is too little for them, even for the bottom bunk. i personally would like to wait until we move into a bigger house, which won't happen for several more years. the bunk beds we are looking at are pretty big and would completely overtake either room we would put it in.
for the time being, we are using my old full sized headboard and frame, the same one that the boy used when we phased him out of his crib. the kiddos are used to sleeping in the same bed at my parents' house and they are still little enough to use this arrangement.
during a weekend while the kids were at my parents', we worked on transforming the nursery into a little kids' room. we removed the changing table and added the chest of drawers that came with the bedroom set (my mom had been using them at their old house). it was a relief to add the drawers as the kiddos were quickly outgrowing the three drawers (apiece) in the bureau. they each have a shirt and pant drawer, a pajama drawer, an underwear/sock drawer and a drawer for outfit sets. we kept the cabinet closet (becos our house has exactly one closet, plus the built in one in the boy's room) for hanging clothes, removed a hassock and a foot locker (which we'll use for our own linen storage. note to self - our next house better have a linen closet!)
it feels bittersweet that our children are no longer babies, or even toddlers, and that we will never have another baby or toddler again. i probably felt verklempt when we dismantled the crib when the boy outgrew it, but i knew at the time we would have another baby someday. in spite of myself i cried, looking at those two cribs.
before we deconstructed the room, i took pictures of the room as it was. their cribs, comfy chair and my nightstand.
if you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your "moment" in the comments for all to find and see.
this is an old post. i'm cleaning out my drafts folder. enjoy!
earlier this summer we purchased a new mattress for the kiddos. they outgrew their cribs and we wanted to get a new bed for them before they turn three. we waited until things settled down with my parents' move and all the changes that happened this year.
our bedrooms were built in a way that makes designing a bedroom a challenge. at the time when we bought our house, we were planning on a family of (maybe) 4, not 5! our house is very old, nearly 100 years old, and the location (and height) of windows, heaters and floor plans is annoying. the nursery has three windows and a built in bookshelf unit. it was easy to arrange a room around one crib and one full sized bed. when we added the second crib, arranging the furniture became more complicated (sarcasm noted).
at some point we want to get the boys bunk beds but right now we think freddie is too little for them, even for the bottom bunk. i personally would like to wait until we move into a bigger house, which won't happen for several more years. the bunk beds we are looking at are pretty big and would completely overtake either room we would put it in.
for the time being, we are using my old full sized headboard and frame, the same one that the boy used when we phased him out of his crib. the kiddos are used to sleeping in the same bed at my parents' house and they are still little enough to use this arrangement.
during a weekend while the kids were at my parents', we worked on transforming the nursery into a little kids' room. we removed the changing table and added the chest of drawers that came with the bedroom set (my mom had been using them at their old house). it was a relief to add the drawers as the kiddos were quickly outgrowing the three drawers (apiece) in the bureau. they each have a shirt and pant drawer, a pajama drawer, an underwear/sock drawer and a drawer for outfit sets. we kept the cabinet closet (becos our house has exactly one closet, plus the built in one in the boy's room) for hanging clothes, removed a hassock and a foot locker (which we'll use for our own linen storage. note to self - our next house better have a linen closet!)
it feels bittersweet that our children are no longer babies, or even toddlers, and that we will never have another baby or toddler again. i probably felt verklempt when we dismantled the crib when the boy outgrew it, but i knew at the time we would have another baby someday. in spite of myself i cried, looking at those two cribs.
before we deconstructed the room, i took pictures of the room as it was. their cribs, comfy chair and my nightstand.

the "closet".

changing table and bookshelves.

bureau and bins of clothes - outgrown, new and otherwise. dear bob, i hate having no space and clutter!

i bagged a large sweater bag's worth of stuffies, mostly snoopys (mine, pre-kids). dear bob, that bag weighed a ton! at some point i will cull the bag and get rid of them, but for now they're residing in the attic (along with other stuffies).
up in the attic i found a cache of under the bed tubs to put their seasonal clothes in. as i go through the boy's clothes for freddie (and buy ahead for petunia when we find bigger clothes on sale) i'll need a place to store them, and the large tubs that i used previously won't work in the arrangement of the room. currently i have at least half a dozen tubs or diaper boxes in the master bath, awaiting either consignment (outgrown summer clothes) or their final resting place in the attic.
the cribs sat in the garage for months. laws prohibit reselling them and the mattresses and i had no idear what i was going to do with them. the cribs are in good shape (except for a touch up of paint where petunia the beaver chewed on her crib and on the changing table where the diaper stacker scraped some paint) and freddie's crib will need teething rails becos he pried his off. i wanted the first crib and changing table to go as a set, and i wanted to see the whole shebang go to a family with twins. really, i wanted it all to go to someone in need.
mom called a women's shelter near their home and asked if they could use the cribs. the staff gave mom an emphatic YES so earlier this week mom and dad loaded the cribs, mattresses and changing table into their van. they also took two strollers and the kiddos' car seats (mom and dad got them boosters recently). when they dropped the furniture off the staff said they were so grateful for the cribs as the ones they had were really old. i assumed the cribs would go to someone leaving the shelter in need of furniture but apparently they'll stay at the shelter. i guess i got my wish!
and now...

we put pillows on either side on the floor, in case someone falls out, plus we have pool noodles under the sheet to act as a bumper (thank you, pinterest for that suggestion!) so far petunia fell out twice (of course, not on the pillows and below the bumper!)
they love their new bed, with their thomas sheets and owl sheets and blankies and stuffies. i love that a quilt their great grandmother, my nana, made and now lays at the bottom of their bed.
sleep tight kiddos!
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