i'm juggling several knitting projects. i'm in a knitting lull and i can't muster the energy to finish them.
petunia's sweater. i only have a couple inches of neckline and one leaf of the button band. if i don't get cracking on this, petunia will out grow it before it's even finished.
petunia's sweater. i only have a couple inches of neckline and one leaf of the button band. if i don't get cracking on this, petunia will out grow it before it's even finished.

mom's shawl that never ends. i would like to give this to her for Christmas so it's a sort of deadline. it's not a hard knit, but the drop stitch row is a bit of a PITA, spesh as the shawl grows. i'm almost finished with the first ball of yarn...and i have another ball to go.

my galaxy capelet. a couple of inches in, almost finished with the first (of five) skeins. it's also not a hard knit, but i have to focus to make sure i have the correct number of stitches. i am using stitch markers to help with this, but i just lost focus on it. i love the yarn - it's crazy soft and nice to work with - but right now i feel meh about the shawl.

my boo socks. the first sock took me two days to knit. the second will prolly take two months.

my knitmore girls vanilla sock. i started these on a cold fall day. i haven't worked on them since. they're older than my boo socks!

i thought i'd make grams a pair of gloves for christmas this year. so far i have a wrist. i'm dragging my feet on these becos i am dreading the finger part. challenge accepted?

my weasleys pants hat is at least on the road to completion. i have about another inch to go before i can start the crown decreasing. once i finish this hat (and hopefully hooty becos i'm so close to finishing that one) i can start finishing up my other WIPs.

i also need to make a couple of coffee cup sleeves for the kids' teachers for christmas gifts. hopefully these will be easy to knock off in a day or two.
being sick this fall (and nursing three kids back to health when i wasn't sick) has severely cut into my knitting. i got some good knitting time waiting during the boy's choral rehearsals (got great podcast time in as well) but i need more than an hour of knitting a week. also, i'm discovering that as i grow older i'm lousy with knitting deadlines. and if i'm this bad with knitting, what will i be like when i go back into the working world?!
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