linky do's!

Friday, December 11, 2009

and the angels sang...

i'm finished!

under the tree:

i was missing 4 buttons.  i put those button-less flowers in the back.  i think i'll put regular pearl button on them.  i'm just glad my tree skirt is done!

shameless MOT alert!  i read an article about heidi klum and baby weight loss.  she gave birth to her fourth child, a girl, back in october.  the article talked about her getting ready for the vicky secret fashion show, and that 6 weeks after giving birth, she lost 25 of the 45 pounds of baby weight, and she had 20 pounds left to lose.

now, i know i'm working with a severe handicap here, as i'm several pounds overweight, and heidi's a twig but i can't help but gloat with glee.  i gained 40 pounds with the twins.  i lost 30 pounds in a week after delivery (okay, so 15 of it was baby and the rest was placenta, blood, fluids, etc. etc.) and the final 10 was gone by my 6 week postpartum appointment.  i weigh less now than before i was pregnant.  how many new moms can say that their prepregnancy jeans are looser after baby than before?  how many new moms can say their pregnancy totally reshaped their body (and i'm not talking about jiggly belly, i'm talking about curvy legs with muscle definition, guns from toting 2 babies at the same time and an actual smaller ass?)  how many moms can say they lost the weight without breastfeeding?  i can!!!!!

i never brag about my body.  for years i've been ashamed of it.  but reading about heidi really made me proud of my body, and what it did for me and what i'm doing for it now.  so yes, this is my shameless mom of twins brag.

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