linky do's!

Friday, December 11, 2009

so close i can taste it

the tree skirt is almost finished!

flowers are completed.  they just need button centers and sewn to the skirt.

just one problem:

do you see that?  the flowers i made are slightly bigger than the ones i made last year.  i must have used a smaller needle when i made them.  i think i used a size 9 for these flowers.  last year's were probably done on 6s or 7s.

now, i plan on showing this at fair next year.  i want it to be as perfect as possible.  i could sew the new flowers on.  but i'm thinking that the size difference may affect judging - i'm afraid it will get marked low for not being consistent.  if i pick all the flowers off and do every other - big flower, small flower - it will look like i did it on purpose.  i hate picking the flowers off, but i'd rather do that than not and risk not getting a ribbon at all.

gee, i sound like i'm going to win a ribbon, don't i?  am i full of myself or what!

tonight hubby and i are going to christkindlmarket in mifflinburg tonight.  we've been going there for nearly 10 years now.  i look so forward to the food (hungarian goulash!), german food (!), the yarn market in the gutellius house.  every year it grows bigger and bigger.  it calls to be bitter cold tonight.  can't wait.

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