linky do's!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

cos everything's better with sprinkles!

lookee what i made:

another blankey for petunia.  like she needs another.  knitted feather and fan pattern with patons' beehive baby chunky and a ball of red yarn's pomp a doodle, this was a dream to knit.  the pompom yarn was more green than i realized, but it does blend well with the blue green of the patons.  yarns were so nice to work with.  provided i can block this blanket out and it looks this good, i'm entering this at the bloom fair.  i also made a blanket for freddie - his in the blocks pattern - pics to follow.

for some insane reason, i've been craving a certain white cake from one of my favorite italian bakeries.  since i don't get to the bakery often and in a rare burst of domesticity i took matters into my own hands and baked my own.  from scratch. the last time i baked something from scratch were the magnolia bakery cupcakes from 2006.  they were good, sickening sweet, and got more dense and moist as they sat around.  and i won't even go there with the boy's pirate ship in 2008, which had more breaks than the titanic.

believe it or not i actually had all the ingredients on hand:

no, there's no formula in the batter.  but i sure wish i had a kitchen aid mixer for preparing the batter and frosting.  it's hard to mix and scrape with a hand mixer.

the recipe is from better home's new home cookbook.  pretty straight forward and easy to make.

oops.  either i had too much butter or not enough flour in the pan.  look at that chunk!

it won't be noticeable right?  right?  i wonder what would happen if i cut it in half and made it into a sort of layer cake?

that's 3 and a half cups of 10X sugar.  i have no idear why i had so much confectioners sugar on hand.  that's a diabetic coma in a bowl!

oops again.  too much milk in the frosting.  it was so sticky and stiff with just a quarter cup, so i added more (as the recipe suggested).  guess i eyeballed too much.  this icing would be more suited for a glaze, like for a bundt cake.

i thought adding sprinkles would help put the focus on the cake and less on how shitty it looked.  and everything tastes better with sprinkles, right?

whisk away the paper strips that caught the icing drips.  cake doesn't look half bad.  who says we eat with our eyes!?  cake was good.  icing was hurt your teeth so much you could scream sweet.  you definitely have to have something salty to offset the sweet.  but not a bad effort considering i hate to bake.

and the funny irony was that mom and dad brought a piece of the cake for me from that bakery.  so i had 2 cakes in the house.  guess which one tasted better?

i want to try again, this time with cake flour instead of all purpose flour.  and i want to tinker with the frosting recipe too.

it's incredible what can be accomplished when not ravelry-ing or FBing!

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