as a huge fan of SATC, i was excited to hear that candace bushnell wrote a prequel to the original book that inspired the television series. i had it wishlisted on amazon and hubby was sweet to give it to me as a belated mother's day present.
i took the carrie diaries along on vacation - i'm always deluded that i will have time to read when i never do - and had the book for nearly 3 weeks before i finally cracked it open. the book is a pretty quick read and i knocked it off in a couple of days.
almost immediately tho, i had a problem with it. i found a lot of inconsistencies from the book to the character in the series. i won't go into detail what they are as they are integral to the book, but if you are familiar with carrie's character on the show, and some of the different bits of her pre new york life, they will be glaringly obvious.
any fan of SATC will try to identify themselves as a "carrie", "charlotte", "samantha" or "miranda". i would take character quizzes and i was always scored a "carrie". i tried to think of myself as a miranda with a little bit of charlotte (conservative), carrie (being a [former] clothes and shoes hound) and samantha (i'm adventurous, but not that adventurous). but after reading the book, maybe i really am a carrie after all. i totally related to the story. again, no details, but if you know me and you've read the story, you'll know why.
the carrie diaries is a fun book. out of 5 stars, i give it a 3 and a half.
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