today was truly "mommy's day out". instead of doing chores and running errands i went to the movies and saw sex and the city 2.
i am a superfan of the series and couldn't wait to see the sequel. i was curious about what else could be added to the story. as far as i was concerned, the first movie tied up some loose ends from the series and while i was content with the ending, it, like the original series, made me want more.
the movie shows the girls' lives 2 years later. carrie is still married to big, charlotte has her family, miranda's marriage is still intact, and samantha is back in new york. however, there are cracks in their lives - carrie and big have different ideas of how to spend their evenings, charlotte children overwhelm her, miranda is unhappy with her job and samantha is dealing with "the change". they get a respite in their lives when the gang go to abu dhabi, tagging along on samantha's "working" vacation.
the girls try to enjoy the exotic locale while dealing with their personal issues. carrie discovers an old friend in the market place and goes out on a platonic dinner date, only to do something that could jeopardize her marriage with big. miranda immerses herself in middle eastern etiquette and plans fun excursions for her friends. charlotte misses her family but also feels relieved for taking a break from being a mom. and samantha gets in trouble - the sexual kind, of course - that literally runs the girls out of town. and in the end, like in the series and the first movie, all loose ends are tied up neatly, with me wanting just a little bit more.
the movie was a fun buddy movie, and i enjoyed the middle eastern storyline. the movie shows how things have changed since the show's start 12 years ago, starting with stanford and anthony's big fat gay wedding, to carrie and big finding ways to keep the "sparkle" in their marriage, to finding fulfillment with your life whether you are a working woman or a SAHM. i would say that if this movie had a theme, it would be "a woman finding her voice in this world".
some things did annoy me. charlotte and miranda have a heart to heart about being moms and how it's a hard job. charlotte admits to loving her children, but how they drive her nuts sometimes and that she needs a break. at this point tears are running down my face becos i completely understand where she is coming from. miranda agrees with her...but then in the next breath, they say how much they enjoy the help they have with their children (charlotte's nanny "erin go braless" and miranda's housekeeper magda) and while they drink their cosmos they wonder, "how do moms without help do it"? at this point i no longer feel empathy but anger becos as a SAHM without a nanny or a housekeeper, i manage to do it all... and it is hard, but that's just the way life goes sometimes. it's moments like this (and the supposedly $10 million budget for the clothes, and perhaps the servitude throughout the film) that make me feel like that the girls really aren't like the "everyday woman" after all, and that the writers and directors and producers really aren't in touch with society any more. now, i realize that this is complete fiction and that reality is suspended, but in the wrong mood, i bet this movie would make me feel more like a piece of crap than an empowered woman.
aside from my help-less SAHM opinion i liked this movie. i'd pay to see it again with hubby, pay to watch it onDemand, and hopefully hubby will give me the dvd for xmas. it's a fun movie. not exactly based in reality, but i guess that's what makes it a fun movie.
i worked on my second pair of socks during the movie, and started the toe decreases. i'm only a few rounds away from completion!
i am a superfan of the series and couldn't wait to see the sequel. i was curious about what else could be added to the story. as far as i was concerned, the first movie tied up some loose ends from the series and while i was content with the ending, it, like the original series, made me want more.
the movie shows the girls' lives 2 years later. carrie is still married to big, charlotte has her family, miranda's marriage is still intact, and samantha is back in new york. however, there are cracks in their lives - carrie and big have different ideas of how to spend their evenings, charlotte children overwhelm her, miranda is unhappy with her job and samantha is dealing with "the change". they get a respite in their lives when the gang go to abu dhabi, tagging along on samantha's "working" vacation.
the girls try to enjoy the exotic locale while dealing with their personal issues. carrie discovers an old friend in the market place and goes out on a platonic dinner date, only to do something that could jeopardize her marriage with big. miranda immerses herself in middle eastern etiquette and plans fun excursions for her friends. charlotte misses her family but also feels relieved for taking a break from being a mom. and samantha gets in trouble - the sexual kind, of course - that literally runs the girls out of town. and in the end, like in the series and the first movie, all loose ends are tied up neatly, with me wanting just a little bit more.
the movie was a fun buddy movie, and i enjoyed the middle eastern storyline. the movie shows how things have changed since the show's start 12 years ago, starting with stanford and anthony's big fat gay wedding, to carrie and big finding ways to keep the "sparkle" in their marriage, to finding fulfillment with your life whether you are a working woman or a SAHM. i would say that if this movie had a theme, it would be "a woman finding her voice in this world".
some things did annoy me. charlotte and miranda have a heart to heart about being moms and how it's a hard job. charlotte admits to loving her children, but how they drive her nuts sometimes and that she needs a break. at this point tears are running down my face becos i completely understand where she is coming from. miranda agrees with her...but then in the next breath, they say how much they enjoy the help they have with their children (charlotte's nanny "erin go braless" and miranda's housekeeper magda) and while they drink their cosmos they wonder, "how do moms without help do it"? at this point i no longer feel empathy but anger becos as a SAHM without a nanny or a housekeeper, i manage to do it all... and it is hard, but that's just the way life goes sometimes. it's moments like this (and the supposedly $10 million budget for the clothes, and perhaps the servitude throughout the film) that make me feel like that the girls really aren't like the "everyday woman" after all, and that the writers and directors and producers really aren't in touch with society any more. now, i realize that this is complete fiction and that reality is suspended, but in the wrong mood, i bet this movie would make me feel more like a piece of crap than an empowered woman.
aside from my help-less SAHM opinion i liked this movie. i'd pay to see it again with hubby, pay to watch it onDemand, and hopefully hubby will give me the dvd for xmas. it's a fun movie. not exactly based in reality, but i guess that's what makes it a fun movie.
i worked on my second pair of socks during the movie, and started the toe decreases. i'm only a few rounds away from completion!
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