saucer of cream, anyone? diva's a bit catty today.
hey, i have twins! i want something for free!
a new episode of kate plus eight aired this week. i devoured the original "jon and kate plus 8" series and followed the family's story for about a couple of years. last year i became especially interested when we found out we were having twins. as an only child who had no clue how to deal with multiple children i was curious to see how they handled being parents to multiples. i loved the earlier episodes, spesh when they showed kate exhausted and dealing with bratty kids. hey, i can relate to that! it was disappointing to watch the family spiral into anger, separation and eventually divorce. i learned how to be a better parent and wife by watching their meltdown. i also became somewhat resentful of the latter episodes - hey, i have twins, send me to hawaii to renew my wedding vowels! my hubby and i still love each other! hey, i have 3 kids, send me to disney! i am ashamed to admit that i did buy those tabloids in the stores, becos i couldn't get enough of this train wreck. hubby even worried that our relationship could wind up like theirs, after reading a study that parents of multiples often separate.
over the months kate got a make over! kate was on dancing with the stars! kate has a new show! and i wondered what was happening with the kids. i guess i got my answers with the new "specials". after viewing those shows, i had to refrain from throwing the remote at the tv.
kate and the kids got to spend the sextuplets' birthdays at an aquatic park, no doubt at the expense of TLC and the park itself. hey, i have twins - let my kids swim with dolphins too! i was most bothered by the children's birthday party. it was just kate, her friend, and the kids. no jon. no other relatives. no friends of the kids. just 3 pinatas, a big cake and the fractured family. i thought it was pitiful. it was such a contrast of previous birthdays. and it made me grateful that my kids' birthdays are surrounded by family and friends.
another scene that bothered me was kate et al at the airport. the kids were hungry and she bought snacks at the airport. no biggy, but i remember kate bringing snacks from home when the kids were little. personally, buying a $5 string cheese and a bottle of water would make me a bit ill. now, the kids did share sandwiches, which is a savings, but it just seemed very unlike kate the penny-pincher.
and this is just plain mean of me - jealous more likely - but kate's new physical presence. hair extensions, tarty dress, high heels. i realize she's entitled to dress however she wants. she's allowed to get rid of her hideous kate cut. but when i saw her stringy hair and mini skirt i thought "she looks like a hooters waitress. trying to outdress jon"? i'm lucky to get a hair cut every few months (i value sleep. and a quiet trip to the grocery store. and nice barrettes and hair elastics). and while i do don good jeans and tops when i go out, i'm too tired to torture myself with heels. give me a nice pair of loafers or a pair of flats any day of the week! the only time i wear makeup is when i go to church or a fancy function (and lately "makeup" consists of tinted lip balm and a bit of eyeliner). thank goodness for kiehls eye cream and garnier nuctris face cream - i'm botox free! hey, i have twins! give me a gratis tummy tuck! well, i better exhale - so i hide my tummy with a pair of spanx. shh. don't tell anyone!
i have to laugh when kate says she has to make these shows to make money for her kids. at my estimate, the family taped over 100 episodes at $75 grand a pop, plus her books, plus what she earns at speaking engagements, she surely must have enough money for the kids' educations, the home and previous debts. kate used to be a nurse. nurses make pretty decent salaries. and they don't sell their children's souls to make a living either! and what about jon? can't get a job becos you're "too famous"? get over yourself. grow a pair, be a man, and get a job.
as a mom with multiples i think this family does a disservice for other families with multiples. we don't get things gratis. the discount at bRu doesn't help (really, it doesn't help when you have half the furniture already, and how often do we buy carseats?). no diaper or apple juice companies pounding down my door for gratis goodies. i don't even use my formula coupons becos it's cheaper to buy generic formula than name brand. and this one is personal - just because there are more multiple births in recent years, doesn't mean i used fertility drugs or procedures to conceive the kiddos. just sayin'.
hey kate! i'm a mom of multiples too! and i'm living the reality - raising 3 kids on a tight budget, making do with what i have, working hard with hubby to preserve our relationship. it may seem a simple life...but it's MY life!
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