linky do's!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

what to do on a rainy sunday

today we are playing hooky from church.  before i get "shamed" from the philistines, mom and dad are on a well-deserved vacay, and today has been very productive for me.  to wit:

1.  i went up into batty's hideout the attic and dug up 3 tubs of the boy's 12-24 month clothes.  i also brought down some more toys to clean up and give to the kiddos.  later today i'll go upstairs and sort through the tubs, since everything was all jumbled together.

2.  i cleaned off my craft desk.  it was buried under yarn, patterns, and notebooks, markers and stickers i got at the dollar store.  while i was putting away some beading supplies, i found some beads that i bought to make stitch markers, but couldn't figure out how to do it (they were czech briolet crystal).  i had a brief moment of clarity, and before i knew it, i had 4 new sock/lace markers:


then i used my newfound burst of creativity to make snag free markers with some fiber optic beads that i'd had for years but hoarded.  i think i got them at ella cinders, but when i inquired about them the girl said she didn't remember ever selling beads like that:


by the time i finished making my markers the boy and hubby came over to play nintendo (yes, hubby's old gaming system).  i cleaned up my knitting area and put away magazines and yarn, and found a pile of magazines that i have no idear whether i'm keeping them or if i just never got them read.  so i'll have a bit of magazine reading this afternoon.

then i decided to reorganize my stitch marker container (i got more containers at the dollar store last week) so i sorted by size (both needle and bead size).  then my generic rubber ring/locking marker/coil-less pins.  then i sorted my sock needles.  and my crochet hooks.  apologies for the second picture - i didn't show the other side of the green container:



and i ate the most delicious donut/UFO peach.  now my throat has the itchies and my belly hurts.  damn oral allergies.

my next goal is to clean off the dining room table, make out deposit slips for the kiddos' birthday stash, then make cold sesame noodles for sups.

and i listened to the rain on the roof when i was in the attic.  that was cool.

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