linky do's!

Friday, October 29, 2010

a foodie post

it's been a while since i've done one of these.

i had my semiannual checkup a few weeks back.  while my BP is pretty good, my sugars were to be desired.  time to crank up the exercise and watch what i eat.

thursday i made italian meatloaf.  it's a mad hungry recipe and it's the first meatloaf that i've made that doesn't include tomato sauce, ketchup, mustard or barbecue sauce.

lucinda's recipe called for mortadella, which i couldn't find at my grocery store, and substituted regular bologna for it.  since mortadella has pistacios in it, the recipe called for extra nuts, and i omitted these as well.  i had no red wine and used white, and as i am a garlic hound, added 3 cloves instead of one.  i am not a "meatloaf" mix (beef, pork and veal) gal and used lean ground beef.


my "rustic" meatloaf.  i guess i should have used a larger baking dish - lucinda said to make a nice rustic "lump".

baked for an hour, here's my yummy meatloaf goodness:


sooooooo good.  hubby liked the bits of bologna, and i could definitely taste the wine.  even the kiddos wolfed it down!  this recipe is a keeper!

i plan to make it again, and actually use the mortadella, the pistachios, and red wine.  i'd use less mortadella, becos it seemed like this loaf was half and half meat and bologna.

yes, i realize bologna isn't healthy, but it was a splurge.  i don't eat deli meat very often anymore.

i served creamed yellow wax beans alongside the meatloaf.  basically, it's string beans simmered with a little bit of milk and a couple pats of butter:


i'm trying to cut down on my carbs, so i got a seedless cuke, sliced it up, and eat ham salad on it:



check out my new knife!  a kyocera santoku knife, with a lovely pink handle - the company will donate a portion of each pink knife sale to susan g. komen.  new knife and a donation to breast cancer research! i've used it a couple times already and it is so easy to use.  supposedly it won't need sharpening, which is a plus for me - i hate sharpening my knives, and they never seem sharp enough for me after i do so.  

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