i've been quite busy. i'll let the pictures do the talking.
the knits portion of this post:
cookie a's monkey, in kraemer yarns sterling silk and silver in majestic blue. these socks are going to fair! aside from one tiny glitch in sock 1 (somehow i missed a yarn over and the hole is a bit bigger than it should be) and somehow goofing up the heel turn on sock 2 and winding up with 2 fewer stitches, these socks are pretty darn perfect. and they are the first socks that fit me perfectly.
bordered heart shaped dishcloth that i started back in february, probably for a HAPL comfort package. why it took only 6 months to complete, i have no idear. it was half finished, and i completed the rest of it (the top part of the heart) in half an hour.
the stitch marker portion of this blog:
this are the brass beads i got at celtic fling. well, the celtic cross and shamrock are brass, i think the moon is copper. they are tiny beads and will make excellent sock markers.
my first snag-free markers! i love me my skulls, i love the beckoning cat, and seriously, how cute is that frog!
millefiore beads, also snag free. the big one reminds me of a globe.
these markers are a bit bigger. i love the celtic "charmed" knot, the mouse with a red heart, and the skull with the movable mandible. can't wait to see that one dangling off my needle, leering at me!
goddess, turtle, seahorse and fairy markers. i made these with small closed jump rings. they're for smaller needles.
i have a couple sets of rainbow markers to complete. then once i get my act together, i'll see if my favorite LYS will sell them.
the kids portion of this post:
i have no explanation. i have no idear how freddie can sleep with petunia laying across him. the last picture, i checked him several times to make sure he was still breathing. no wonder these kids are light sleepers!
ah, every toddler's right of passage, the exercircle. this one was inherited from the boy. i loathe the monstrosity which takes up a quarter of our floor space. the kids really don't play with it much (although they like the tractor and weeble toys that come with it - they play with them). we are getting ready for yard sale in a month, and i really should get rid of the stupid thing becos seriously, petunia's practically walking and freddie pulls himself up to the hassock. but the weird thing is...i feel a bit sad about getting rid of it. oh, i could keep the loose toys and get rid of the circle, but i'd rather sell everything as a whole package. i had the same feeling about the podee bottles. hated cleaning the tubes, packing them with the tubes dangling...only to feel sad that the kiddos don't need them anymore and are to move onto sippy cups. have you ever felt that way...dislike something only to feel sad/bad/guilty about getting rid of it? or am i just crazy?
the "rememory" portion of this post:
i am coming up to the EDD anniversary of mackenzie, my first pregnancy loss. a chemical pregnancy, i had no idear i was pregnant until i found myself miscarrying. i was saddened, but not nearly as devastated as when i lost ani. i lost mack on all saint's day. we have no idear if it was a boy or a girl, but as always, mack felt like a girl. and i chose "mackenzie" as a good strong scottish unisex name for a soul not of this world.
it's firecracker time!
it's the july 4th weekend. take time this weekend to remember what the holiday is about - our country's freedom, our rights as humans, and how blessed we are. it seems as though our freedoms and rights are disappearing under our noses, and i am so grateful for what this country has to offer. we can be stronger, we can be better. and we should remember how and who brought us this far.
the knits portion of this post:
cookie a's monkey, in kraemer yarns sterling silk and silver in majestic blue. these socks are going to fair! aside from one tiny glitch in sock 1 (somehow i missed a yarn over and the hole is a bit bigger than it should be) and somehow goofing up the heel turn on sock 2 and winding up with 2 fewer stitches, these socks are pretty darn perfect. and they are the first socks that fit me perfectly.
bordered heart shaped dishcloth that i started back in february, probably for a HAPL comfort package. why it took only 6 months to complete, i have no idear. it was half finished, and i completed the rest of it (the top part of the heart) in half an hour.
the stitch marker portion of this blog:
this are the brass beads i got at celtic fling. well, the celtic cross and shamrock are brass, i think the moon is copper. they are tiny beads and will make excellent sock markers.
my first snag-free markers! i love me my skulls, i love the beckoning cat, and seriously, how cute is that frog!
millefiore beads, also snag free. the big one reminds me of a globe.
these markers are a bit bigger. i love the celtic "charmed" knot, the mouse with a red heart, and the skull with the movable mandible. can't wait to see that one dangling off my needle, leering at me!
goddess, turtle, seahorse and fairy markers. i made these with small closed jump rings. they're for smaller needles.
i have a couple sets of rainbow markers to complete. then once i get my act together, i'll see if my favorite LYS will sell them.
the kids portion of this post:
i have no explanation. i have no idear how freddie can sleep with petunia laying across him. the last picture, i checked him several times to make sure he was still breathing. no wonder these kids are light sleepers!
ah, every toddler's right of passage, the exercircle. this one was inherited from the boy. i loathe the monstrosity which takes up a quarter of our floor space. the kids really don't play with it much (although they like the tractor and weeble toys that come with it - they play with them). we are getting ready for yard sale in a month, and i really should get rid of the stupid thing becos seriously, petunia's practically walking and freddie pulls himself up to the hassock. but the weird thing is...i feel a bit sad about getting rid of it. oh, i could keep the loose toys and get rid of the circle, but i'd rather sell everything as a whole package. i had the same feeling about the podee bottles. hated cleaning the tubes, packing them with the tubes dangling...only to feel sad that the kiddos don't need them anymore and are to move onto sippy cups. have you ever felt that way...dislike something only to feel sad/bad/guilty about getting rid of it? or am i just crazy?
the "rememory" portion of this post:
i am coming up to the EDD anniversary of mackenzie, my first pregnancy loss. a chemical pregnancy, i had no idear i was pregnant until i found myself miscarrying. i was saddened, but not nearly as devastated as when i lost ani. i lost mack on all saint's day. we have no idear if it was a boy or a girl, but as always, mack felt like a girl. and i chose "mackenzie" as a good strong scottish unisex name for a soul not of this world.
it's firecracker time!
it's the july 4th weekend. take time this weekend to remember what the holiday is about - our country's freedom, our rights as humans, and how blessed we are. it seems as though our freedoms and rights are disappearing under our noses, and i am so grateful for what this country has to offer. we can be stronger, we can be better. and we should remember how and who brought us this far.
I can relate to getting rid of the baby items. A long time ago, I finally allowed myself to keep one tote full of baby clothes and got rid of the rest. I remembering getting misty eyed when they would grow out of their baby clothes and I'd have to pack them away. I also kept a few toys and books, which get used frequently with the nieces, nephew and other little people who rotate in and out of our lives.