linky do's!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

my blog schedule

some people follow a strict schedule when blogging.  they blog about certain things on certain days (WIPs on wednesdays, FOs on fridays, etc).  i wish i had that kind of discipline.  with twins and a big kid, i often live my life by the seat of my pants.  i knit, craft and read when i can.  as such, my blog is written by the seat of my pants some days too.

on sundays, however, i like to share about my faith.  sundays - faith - seems like a natural fit, right?  some days, it's the only constant in my life.

i know not everyone is going to believe what i believe.  that's okay.  i enjoy hearing about other faiths.  i want to understand what other's believe, so i can understand my faith too.  

1 comment:

  1. I think its very cool that you want to hear about others Faith.

    I find am not a very religious person but I am spiritual I have decided I am going to read through each religions Bible.

    I am sure I will learn alot that I didn't know before.


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