linky do's!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

sparkle hands

it's fair time - so i gotta get some things done for exhibition.  i knocked these beauties out in a matter of days:

these are my go-to mitten pattern from knit simple's knitting workshops.  yarn is kollage yarns glisten in sea green (the hands) and celery (the cuffs).  i took a big leap and knit these on my new signature needles (sizes 4 for the cuffs, 6 for the hands), magic loop style.  how handy (no pun intended!) to knit both mittens up at the same time!

oooh, shiny!  sparkly!

to dress up the backs of the mittens, i embroidered daisies.  it took me a while to get the hang of it.  my stitching skills are rudimentary at best.  they give the mittens a homespun look.

Photo on 2011-07-21 at 18.53 #4

i knitted these when the temps were in the humid 90s.  clearly, i am insane.

Photo on 2011-07-21 at 18.52


  1. OMG - you are the mitten queen! These are fabulous! LOVE THEM! They will certainly take a blue ribbon!


Comments? Questions? Feel free drop me a line!